Congregational Life Centre

The Congregational Life Centre welcomes feedback on issues of concern to congregations.

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Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Clair Woodbury is a graduate of Royal Military College in Kingston, Queens Theological College in Kingston, with a Ph.D. from Drew University, Madison, New Jersey. He lives with his wife Joyce Madsen in Edmonton, Alberta.


Funding the Services People want from the Church

We are starting to understand that those in the 20-45 age category are going to have a different kind of connection to the church. They are only going to participate in certain programs, and that for only part of the year. Our traditional way of raising funds by having people contribute weekly through the Sunday offering plate is not going to work for them. On the other hand, they have grown up in a culture that says “there is no free lunch” and they are willing to pay for quality services. How do we fund providing the services they are asking for? We know we need some new and innovative ways. What is your thinking?


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